Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Pictures - finally!

Here is a picture of my string quilt I just finished. They are so much fun!!!

Here is a close up picture so you can get a better idea of what it looks like. I hope everyone likes it!! :)

This is our backyad & garage after the blizzard! I'm sure glad I have a strong husband to shovel for me!!!!

Here is another view of the back of the house. Look at the snow piled on the bench & grill & all! WOW! So pretty!!


Mary Johnson said...

I love it but then I'm partial to string quilts!

Alycia said...

The quilt turned out really well. Gald you have a strong hubby too - I wouldn't want to shovel!!

Helen in the UK said...

The string quilt looks stunning - I do love them with the red centre strips. Although, I'm making one for donation right now which has yellow centres! :)